In October we had the privilege of visiting Gyrfalcon breeder John Lejeune in BC where tom was able to get up close and personal with Nuna, a beautiful Canadian Gyrfalcon. Tom Spent the day sculpting with Nuna perched beside him. We were also shown other Gyrfalcons by John and his daughter Monica, we saw mated pairs, watched young of year fly and were shown a video about their breeding program that was made by Monica. It was a fascinating day and we learned much about Gyrfalcons. To see more of John's falcons visit www.falconscanada.com
Tom's new sculpture "The Moment of Truth" a life size Gyrfalcon will be perched on a bronze falconer's gauntlet produced in a numbered edition of 12 with one Artist's Copy.
For more information about this piece or any of Tom's art please contact us.